When I first started out with my first betta, Tank, I was pretty clueless. I did some research, but not enough. Workers at the pet store weren't much help. (A general tip I can give is don't rely on your pet store for information, especially at a chain store. Although some of the workers are knowledgeable, many more are not given the proper training to teach others on betta care.) Thankfully I was able to learn lots of information through the #betta tag on tumblr. There are several people in the tag who have owned bettas for a long time who are willing to give out helpful info. I am thankful for them, because they have all taught me so much.
Today I am going to go over a brief list of what you need to set up your betta's aquarium. Please make sure to do lots of research before buying any pet; read more than just this blog post. Be sure that you have enough money and that you can make a commitment to taking care of these fish. Bettas live on the average of 2-4 years when properly taken care of. Will you still be able to take care of your bettas in a year or two down the road? Who will feed your fish if you go on an extended vacation? Do you have the time to do water changes weekly? Think about questions like these.
When first setting up for your betta I suggest you have around $150-$200 set aside. You may not need to use all of this money, but it is better to have more vs less. If you feel like you cannot spend that much money bettas may not be for you. Once you have everything for your tank set up you won't be spending nearly as much. After initial set up main expenses would be food (which will last you a while), replacement cartridges for your filter about once a month, buying water dechlorinator, replacing something if it breaks (such as the heater not working anymore), ect. Check under the read more for my suggested list of items you need, plus some pictures of my two boys.