Today when I was browsing through the pet store I decided I should get a pet Marimo. My buddy Evan and I decided to name her Mari.
Click read more to see more pictures and to learn about Marimos~
They are an easy to take care of pet. They can live in pretty much any container with tap water as long as they get some indirect sunlight. I've even seen people sell small ones in tiny bottles as necklaces! You don't need to feed them, since they can feed themselves through photosynthesis. The only care they really need is to have you turn them over every once in a while and change their water. If you don't they can lose their round shape and get all brown and yucky. When you take it out of the water you are supposed to gently squeeze the old water out and then roll it in your hand to help keep the shape.
Marimos are pretty slow growers. They usually only grow 5mm a year. Usually people put them in with Beta fish, but it isn't suggested that you put them in with fish that eat plants, such as goldfish. If you do, you will be finding little bit marks in your Marimo.
Marimos are great for people who cannot normal have plants because they do not produce pollen.
They are also good for people who are allergic to most animals.
Marimos can be bought online through places like Ebay or Etsy, but they can also be bought from most pet stores that sell fish if you are worried about it getting hurt during shipping. I payed $7.99 for mine from Pet Smart. At the store they charged the same size no matter how big or small the Marimo was, so I picked out a medium sized one. They were keeping it in a tank with fish, but surprisingly it doesn't look like my Marimo was dinner to the fishies.
And that is all I have to say about Marimos today! If you are curious on how to take care of one there are lots of resources and video tutorials online. They are a good pet for someone who wants a low maintenance pet. If you get a cute decorative container that also make perfect gifts.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! (I hope you didn't mind my obsession to use my new Gimp brushes)
I am glad you could find it useful. If you need further information on Marimos let me know! If you look around online there are many websites providing information on Marimos and how to care for them.