Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Home Remedies for Different Skin Types

Even though it can be gross to admit, most of us get acme or oily skin. I know I do!
This post is just different face masks that you can make out of things you will find in your kitchen. I tried to find face masks for different skin types, so I hope this can help.

1.) Egg Whites and Lemon Extract To Tighten Pores
I know this one probably is the most gross sounding out of the list, but it has worked wonders for me. If you can get past the icky feel it will make your skin feel so soft after you wash it off. This helps tighten up the pores.
How to do it: Get an egg, a bottle of lemon extract, a bowl, and a whisk. Separate the egg whites into the bowl and then add a little bit of the lemon extract. Use the whisk to mix the egg whites and lemon until it is thick and foamy. Spread the mixture on your face, being sure not to get any into your eyes, mouth, or nose. Let sit for about 20 to 30 minutes. After a while the egg will start to dry a little and you are probably going to want to pick at it. Don't! Just keep waiting. Once you are done thoroughly rinse your face with warm water.

2.) Oatmeal and Honey To Exfoliate 
I don't do this one too often because we usually don't have unflavored oatmeal in our house, but it is still good. Oatmeal is known for being a natural exfoliator. The oatmeal can also absorb some of the extra oil.
How to do it: Get some quick oats, honey, a pot and some water, and a bowl. Cook up some quick oats on the stove. Once it is cooked move it to the bowl. Mix in the honey and give it some time to cool down. Once it has cooled enough spread it on your face. Let it sit for about 10 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

3.) Lemon, Plain Yogurt, Honey, and Egg Whites to Reduce Acme Scars
So I've never heard of this idea until now. I (thankfully) do not have much of an issue with acme scars. If anyone tries this out please let me know how it works for you! 
How to do it: Wash your face previous to trying this facial mask. Mix together lemon extract, plain yogurt, honey, and egg whites in a bowl. Once it is all mixed apply it to your face (once again, be careful not to get this in your eyes, mouth, or nose because of the egg whites). After about 15 minutes you can wash it off with warm water. 

4.) Baking Soda and Water for a Natural Glow Look
This one sounds super simple! If your face is looking a little "dull" give yourself a natural glow look with this simple mixture.
How to do it: Mix baking soda with a little bit of water in a bowl. Apply to your face in a circular motion. Let sit for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

5.) Banana and Yogurt for Dry Skin
We all know that the harsh winter weather can ruin your skin and dry it out! With this mask you can help bring moisture back to your skin. This is another one that can feel a little icky, but at least it will make your face smell like yummy bananas! I've tried this before and my skin felt super duper soft afterwords.
How to do it: Mash half a banana in a bowl and then mix with some plain yogurt. Mix until it is smooth. Apply on your face. Let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.


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    1. This is more so a collection of my favorite skin washes.
      I have such sensitive skin, so I like to use home remedies because it doesn't irritate the skin as much.
